Eco Travel Tips, Trips & Products

Find TOP eco travel / sustainable travel tips, products and trip ideas, including voluntourism, to plan your eco-friendly solo travel over 50.

Solo Travel Essentials for the Beach Alone_Duquesa Cascais Portugal

Eco-Friendly Solo Travel Essentials for Going to the Beach Alone

How do you fly away on a solo beach vacation, or on a vacation with anticipated beach activity, knowing you’re fully prepared? Through many solo trips, even flying carry-on only, I’ve come to figure that out and now share with you my comprehensive list of eco-friendly, solo travel essentials for going to the beach alone for worry-free single travel.

Eco-Friendly Solo Travel Essentials for Going to the Beach Alone Read More >

Person in airport with hand luggage

10 Best Eco-friendly Personal Item Bag Picks

(UPDATED 3/12/22) Want to be eco-friendly in your over 50 solo travel? Using eco-friendly baggage is a good place to start. In addition to my best eco-friendly carry-on luggage, here are my 10 picks for best eco-friendly personal item bag for planes so you can reduce your impact on the environment while supporting eco-friendly and sustainable luggage brands.

10 Best Eco-friendly Personal Item Bag Picks Read More >

CORR Travel
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